HIS244H1 Lecture : lec__

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15 Dec 2010

Document Summary

Between 1620-1720 the worlds population rose from 460 million to 600 million. Europe rose from 95 million to 105 million. Why does population double?=people were simply having more sex. For the 1st half of the 17century there is a high birth/death rate due to the 30years war. From 1750 birth rate goes down and the life span of european was 10years longer than there parents. By 1650 casitlle lost a quarter of its population. People begin to migrate to places were they can eat/live and tend to g2 madrid. The problem for castille wasn"t just the plauge, there agriculture sufferd. Spain was in a long term decline in gernaeral. All sorts of things were going wrong for the spanish. Only england/dutch republic don"t face a severe decline. Between 50-70% of germanys population began to disapear as people began to migrate. Scotland sufferd 4 years of bad harvest and lose a significant part of their population.

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