HIS244H1 Lecture : Life, Death, and Disease
Document Summary
Lecture outline: people by the numbers, family life religion, urban centres. von sonnenfels argued that a growing population was a good thing. more people = more production = more money = more security. malthus was concerned about the lives of the poor, took a different view of unchecked population growth. he believed that population grew exponentially and food supply grew arithmetically. malthusian trap: population outgrows food supply: demography. before 1801 (first english census), only record of peoples were tax record www. notesolution. com. Tax records are the most likely to survive from this period, well-kept because it meant money. most people belonged to the state church, so they were recorded. but, it"s hard to record people who were not part of the state church. not always reliable, depends entirely on how accurate the parish priest was at record-keeping. europe"s population doubled in the 17th century, and then again between 1720 1820.