HIS244H1 Lecture 5: HIS244H1 - Lecture 5.docx

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30 Jul 2012

Document Summary

2: the emergence of a market economy and of a. Skeptical rousseau developed his ideas in two major texts discourse on the. Sciences and the arts (1750) and discourse on the origins of inequality (1765) . Idea that the south seas were a paradise on earth, garden of eden - free from human sin (utopian vision) Voyage 1: 1768-1771 tahiti, australia and new zealand. In his first voyage cook went to australia, new zealand and tahiti. 4 months in tahiti with the deliberant intention of studying society. He studied killing of unwanted children, war practices, social structure and hierarchy. Cook was very influenced by the racialist thinking of the day, and his work was based on the assumption that all people developed from a common root stock (this is called. Monogenisis which argues that there is only one source of human civilization).

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