HIS271Y1 Lecture : Building a Nation...

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14 Feb 2011

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unwillingness of parliament and crown to change their minds about governance of colonies. Thomas paine"s common sense, critiquing the imperial system. american revolution, formation of new governments, funding, etc. revolution was important was because although it didn"t bring immediate change, it set the foundation for that sort of change to happen later, creating the framework and language with which marginalized groups would use to gain equality. restructuring of politics, saw that the new governments were weak and decentralized, suspicious of too much power in the hands of the few. The idea of a weak government made it very hard to govern. organized convention in 1787 to alter articles of confederation to address the failure of the weak government. concerns: nothing binding the states to the articles, each state had different laws, power didn"t really rest in the power of the population.

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