HIS271Y1 Lecture : The "Roaring Twenties"

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14 Feb 2011

Document Summary

below the surface of unity and patriotism, there was a great deal of conflict. The inability of the war to resolve these conflicts left many americans disillusioned after 1918. so, the result of the 1920s was a turning inward both in foreign policy and domestically. In many cases there was a move away from the reform spirit. It hit com munities so hard and so fast that it crippled their infrastructure and inhibited their ability to alert and record the characteristics of it. Three waves of the flu hit, and around 20 million people died worldwide. In the us, around 700,000 people died, more than twice the casualties of their wwi contribution. The event of this flu, directly following the war, was stressful and caused anxiety: economic unrest. during the war, the us made quite a bit of money, especially in the agricultural sector www. notesolution. com.

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