HIS312H1 Lecture : The 'New' Immigrants
Document Summary
Immigrants to jobs in canada"s industrializing cities on the resource frontier. women became domestic servants, men were there for labour this is the time where frontier industries developed like never before period where the mining sector opened up in quebec, ontario, b. c. In huge quantities and exported them to the other rapidly growing economies forestry jobs were created a period of very extensive railway construction. 2 new trans-continental railways were built in the early 20th century which gave competition to the cpr. the new" immigration is connected to the mass immigration of unskilled labour of foreign speaking imm. Mainly men this was a u. s label. whats new" is the industrial orientation the foreign speaking imm. pop. there was considerable anxiety in america about how these imm. might transform america www. notesolution. com the americans put restricitions on them ex. schooling, literacy test.