HIS312H1 Lecture : Ethnic Minorities in the Great Depression and during World War II

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12 Dec 2010

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Lecture 14: ethnic minorities in the depression and during the second world. Much of europe was occupied by the german army they were not free to leave. Travel was dangerous across the atlantic because of u-boat attacks transport was hard to arrange here. canadian government made policies that made it even more difficult for imm. to come here, - 1931, gov"t place a restriction that imm. had to have a certain capital to come here so they would invest here. even farmers were told not to come unless they had a lot of money lol. Most of the immigrants were women and children who were connecting with their loved one who were already here. They saw the unemployed as a threat, especially single men. Worried there would be a movement that would threaten canada . Communict party was very active amongst the unemployed t rying to create a movement.

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