HIS312H1 Lecture 13: lecture 13/14
Document Summary
minority, but significant- published a lot of newspapers etc. Government worked hard to suppress- there was a struggle. came from experiences @ work: did the dangerous jobs. Ukrainian, jewish, finns unusually active with the left (also some brits, russians, croatians) after ww2 socialist movement, russian revolution= on own big fight to see red (socialist) vs. 1980-90: war- whites won, taken over by conservatives www. notesolution. com. reds fled at this point- some to canada. Hall socialism : radical activity within ethnic community halls, finish (socialist) organization of canada. Important meeting places where could feel at home. also subject to the msgs of the red leaders, so began to educate rural folk and sometimes had success. wanted world movement that took leaders of moscow. Mainstream craft unions: most unions were craft unions- highly skilled workers (with specific skills) employer needed their skills so joined in collective.