HIS312H1 Lecture : Lectures 13 and 14
Document Summary
Minority of immigrant workers in industry, mostly male and single. Gained a lot of attention; published newspapers/leaflets; drew attention of business and govt. They tended to be labeled as dangerous foreigners" (pejorative label, used by critics) seen as dangerous to capitalist system, to traditional system of law and order, foreign speaking, outside british tradition (i. e. parliamentarianism) Govt and businesses worked hard during this period to repress radicals. A group dedicated to challenging authority by building a strong left movement; dedicated to helping workers and ordinary people take charge and own means of production; workers vs. business/govt: process of radicalization. Immigrant workers did the dangerous jobs; experienced great job insecurity and felt exploited anger and the desire to relieve themselves of exploitative situation; felt isolated and cast out of canadian mainstream. Fed up with filthy living and working conditions. Discrimination canadians often shunned foreign-speaking immigrants, seen as contaminative and lowest of the low" in terms of their status, power, jobs.