HIS312H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: John Graves Simcoe, Century Media Records, Negrophobia
Document Summary
His312 lecture 6 oct 3 2011. >> during and immediately after the war of 1812, only to nova scotia and new brusnwick. >> slaves in the us who sought britain"s offer of freedom during the war of 1812 and free land afterwards. >> same idea as what happened during american revolution. >> a welcome supply of labour in wartime. >> fired because white people were coming back from war. >> refugees wanted land promised, and britain slowly gave small lots. >> given food and crude tools to help them farm. >> halifax-area communities built around black churches and schools. >> rather isolated because they were shunned by whites. >> white gangs would prevent blacks from voting. >> middle of 19th century black communities found ways to assert themselves. >> no new slaves; children free at 25. >> britain"s emancipation act, 1833 (effective 1 aug 1834) >> british did not extradite escaped slaves back to the us despite treaties.