HIS312H1 Lecture : Migration from the British Isles, from 1800 to 1865
Document Summary
Lecture 3: migration from the british isles, from 1800 to 1865. Napoleonic wars (1799-1815) and the war of 1812: a brake on migration. Scots in the maritimes: lord selkirk and assisted immigration to pei. Upper canada got the bulk of the settlers since 1791 along with the maritimes. A series of distinct british colonies, under a governor general. Wars in n. america, war of 1812(-1814), betw. Discouraged it due to dangers of transplantation across the atlantic. Immigration from us, ground to a halt during the war of 1812, unlike prior to. In newfoundland, fishers started to settle down, safer war with significant immigration. Scottish immigrants settled on pei, cause of the assistance of the 5th earl of. Who was sad about the amount of suffering on estates. From the highland, ppl encouraged to move, conversion to farms, needed fewer labour, fewer opportunities. Used personal wealth to fund immigration of some. Was a brit patriot, tried to encourage other landlords.