HIS317H1 Lecture Notes - Bloodloss, Prince Maximilian Of Baden, Peace Walk
Document Summary
Defeat, revolution, and the stab in the back : the weimar republic begins. Germany and the first world war: the assassination of austrian archduke, franz ferdinand, june 28th, 1914. Killing unleashes diplomatic crisis: the july crisis (june 28th-august 4th, 1914) French ministers were meeting with russian allies, leave by boat and total different situation then when they left the boat. Ends with europe s alliance system being set in motions. Could have been a regional conflict, but serbia had ally in. Germany s support for austria- hungary, the blank cheque . Know full well than russia will enter war on side of serbia. Russian czar gives order for mobilization, once they do this so does everyone else. By august 4th all have declared war on one another: the war in the west; the schlieffen plan (1905-1906) and the battle of. Extremely costly in terms of men and money.