HIS317H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Allied Control Council, Stunde Null, Victory In Europe Day
Document Summary
In 1942 nazis are at the height of their power. The military tide turns: stalingrad, feb 1943. Massive defeat that lives on in german nationalists memories. Feb 2nd 1943- military turning point in the war. Germany was coming under increasing attack: the bombing of german cities. 1943 is the height of american and british air war (bombing campaign) First used against the british by the germans. Aerial attack was new method of warfare. 131 german cities are bombed in 1942-1944. Question of whether or not this constitutes war crimes. Operation gemorra killed 35,000 in one night. Killed by bombs, fires, falling objects, suffocation. Warsaw was destroyed a lot worse than germany. Dresden and hamburg have largest fire storm. Images of devastation was common in all cities where bombed. City was full of refugees at this time. Bombing was akin to bombing a hospital ship: the red army advances, d-day in the west.