HIS377H1 Lecture Notes - Axis Powers, Iron Curtain, Foreign Affairs
Document Summary
His 377 thursday, october 21, 2010 origins of the cold war us aircraft drop the atomic bomb on hiroshima on 6 aug 1945. 130000 die in hiroshime and 73884 in nagasaki **atomic cafe movie. Shocks the world/ shocks peace mvmt in us. Us has a buoyant economy and the worlds largest military. Soviet economy is shattered but its military has strong presence in east europe. Us leaders are determined to shape the world. truman and molotov meet to discuss at white house. truman gives molotov strong bashing for not honoring the yalta accords in poland. moscow maintained a sphere of influence in east euro. Sec of state brynes demanded democratic gvmts in bulgaria and romania before the us signed peace treaties with those countries. molotov retorted- what about british dominated greece- and us controlled japan. Stalin allowed a semblance of openness in bulgaria and romania in exchange for american recognition diplomatically, doesnt mean much.