HIS109Y1 Lecture : Industrial Revolution I
Document Summary
The political revolutions have been taking place in europe. But this revolution is based on the demand, no political slogans. There is debate whether 100 years of the industrial revolution, is can be classifies as a revolution. Acceleration of economic growth emergence of the capitalism economy. Introduction to machinery productivity increased and lead to factory work, which came with a set of its own problems. Changes were significant or may be revolutionary. Changes for the working class were staggering. Central to the growth of the capitalistic system first flourished in italy and then expanded to. Capitalism private property and profit motive, driven by market was essential to get the restrains off. Enlightenment people agreed that the right to property was an inalienable right. If you freed up trade, like psysiocrats argued, more wealth could be generated. Adam smith is who is responsible for talking about enlighten economic theories how people attained luxury goods.