HIS109Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 33: Louis Pasteur, Carl Linnaeus, Spontaneous Generation

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19 Aug 2016
Ibraheem Aziz Feb 10/2016
HIS109Y L0101 Lec 33
On The Origin of Species was written in 1859
Charles Darwin (1809-82) was a British naturalist who hypothesized evolution
Attacks were against sense of natural privilege in European society and were carried out by
socialists and communists
o Directed against social, political and economic control of upper classes in Europe
Struggle from essence of middle class success itself came from science
o This revolution was began by Charles Darwin
o Challenged traditional worldview of traditional Europe
o Presented a scientific challenge on the livelihoods of others
o Science altered the baggage in the western mind; changed relationship between
humans, divine, and universe
Role of science was not only the structure of the way we think, but is an instruments and tool
used to improve the world and our understanding of it
Scientists of 19th century offered proof and evidence from the scientific method that could not
be refuted
Increases in GNP, wealth created a whole new world and established a new system of thought in
By the mid-19th century, the feeling of rejecting science and belief that truth could be refuted
was the same as rejecting the modern world
Science was the instrument for how the world was going to improve
Science was progress and the intellectual/cultural world accepted this
Some people rejected either science or religion; the two were mutually exclusive
Louis Pasteur (1822-95) invented pasteurization and was an active scientist
o Proved that any form of life can only be created from the same form of life
Disproves the Book of Genesis
Challenged Christianity
o Beliefs fit both common sense and observation
o Spontaneous generation was seen to produce observable effects
o Ideas were based on observation and common sense
o By locating sources of bacteria, Pasteur disproved older theories and helped the
improvement of public health in Europe
Previously believed that bacteria was a symptom as opposed to the cause of disease
Educated opinion celebrated Pasteur and the universe was seen as comprehensible could
make the universe a better place to live
Newton gave God the existential role of prime mover/engineer and acknowledged the existence
of God
Darwin believed that there was no design and a series of random forces ultimately changed the
nature of all living creatures without their input
o Forces that create them are all outside their control
o Creation is a fable and man can change his environment
During the 18th century, Buffon accelerated the idea of evolution and Carl Linnaeus advanced it
as well
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