HIS344Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Kim Il-Sung, Foreign And Commonwealth Office, Nuclear Warfare
Document Summary
After the war, radio towers were built all over the border of east/west europe to broadcast propaganda. August 1949 soviets detonated its own first atomic bomb: defeating america"s nuclear monopoly. Nationalist chinese and communist chinese were fighting for power in china. Communist china needed economic and military aid. After japan was defeated, the us was not as willing to correspond with the soviets. Us wanted to turn mao into an asian tito : tito broke off from stalin in yugoslavia. If there was a deal to be made with the us, mao demanded an apology for past us mistakes and insults. 30 june 1949 : mao declared that china had to choose one side, leaned towards communist soviet union, stalin then says to hell with yalta to disregard his support for nationalist china. Prc 1 october 1949: people"s republic of china declared, british recognized it due to their influence in.