HIS344Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Bandung Conference, Eastern Bloc, Kwame Nkrumah

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31 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Week 8: decolonization part 2 2016-12-31 6:24:00 am. The first round of independence: 1950"s: Sudan (1956) and ghana (1957) former british colonies. Morocco and tunisia (1956) & guinea (1958) former. The second wave of independence: in the early 1960"s when great britain, france, and belgium divested themselves if their remaining african holdings. The third wave: mid 1970"s when spain and portugal rejected the autocratic regimes that had clung tenaciously to their empires and withdrew from the continent. Originally neither superpower had any significant economic or strategic interests in africa. In the mid-1950"s, khrushchev reactivated the original anti- imperialist rhetoric of leninism, but the soviets saw this as a way to overthrow its european adversaries in africa in the second half o the 1950s. Anti-communist army colonel mobutu took action against the pro- communist prime minister: pressured president kasavubu to dismiss lumumba on. September 5, who was eventually captured and murdered.

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