HIS344Y1 Lecture : September 28th 2010
Document Summary
Early 1946, truman no longer care what the soviets think of the americans. We can tailor our policy to please the russians. > american attitude reinforced because of soviet actions in 1946. > feb j july 1946: turkey: potsdam conference. Soviets wanted bases established in turkey to preserve national interests. This was a threat to turkey independence: wants kars as a province. Turkey was a neutral state during second world war but a haven for. Nazi activities -> german spies: to revisit 1936 montreal convention j was an amendment to the straits which gave free hand to turkey who determines which state is allowed to pass through the straits. Russians wanted a say and supervision over the straits and free access to the mediterranean. > turkey refused, but stalin military was weaker, so summer 1946, russians demands pulled off the table since russians backed down j they were not strong enough to attack turkey.