HIS344Y1 Lecture : Jan 11

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22 Jan 2011

Document Summary

Long term consequences: moscow deeply humiliated by the lost. Rechannel of resources and build own strategic weapons. He sent oldest administrator/diplomat j averell harriman j roosevelt to stalin. To establish close link between two states. Any issue that come up j resolve through negotiation instead of sneaking in weapons. Created a crater that can be seen from space. Both sides have to come to an agreement to, at least, limit the testing of the bomb. Kennedy: admitted and initiated closer relationship to soviet union. August 1963: both sides agreed to sign a test ban treaty j nuclear testing limited. 1968: more meaningful dialogue in attempt to limit nuclear power/weapons. Denied food and cut standard of living in soviet union to build up nuclear strength. 1969: ussr reached nuclear parity with us. Us did not care if ussr had more weapons if they could not deliver it or defend american attack.

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