HIS344Y1 Lecture : March 8th

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16 Mar 2011

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Nixon administration heavily involved in vietnam war and pursuit of d tente. Latin america only had one major international incident. Latin america trade with us was declining in the 50s. Carter opposed soviet union on human rights and latin american (right-wing) dictatorship. Economic aid conditional on improvement of human rights. Received criticism from washington if basic human rights violated. Reagan: support and help for every force that was willing to force communism. To uphold a western-style, capitalism system regardless of repression. To make sure central america would not lose any more states to communism. He ignored economic aid must be a vital component , because of his own requirements at home. Jeanna: huge differences between dictatorships (that regularly oppress their people and violate human r ights). Double standards: dictatorships in eastern europe do violate human rights, but they are anti-america and anti-capitalist. Importance for reagen to deal with nicaragua because nicaragua involved itself in el salvador.

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