HMB265H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Quantitative Genetics, Ldl Receptor, Epistasis

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HMB265H1 Full Course Notes
HMB265H1 Full Course Notes
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Possibilities for application of genetics are only limited by the number of people able to analyze the data, and the creativity of the individuals involved. Follow the same format as in part 1, with information sessions right after lecture on tuesdays: lecture review session/office hours: tuesdays. Hmb265 web resources: course website on portal (portal. utoronto. ca, lecture handouts, scheduling information, hmb265 discussion board on portal, post your questions on lecture material, subject format: lecture x, slide y, topic z. Hmb265 team: hmb265 course coordinators, new college, wetmore hall, rm 105, hmb. undergrad@utoronto. ca, tutor. Hmb265h part 1: mendelian genetics, mendelian traits in humans, human pedigree analysis, molecular basis of genetic polymorphisms, extensions of mendelian genetics. Smodel organisms and how important they are in understanding human development and disease states: cancer genetics, gene therapy. Introduction to quantitative variation: continuous variation, additive inheritance, p = g + e, what accounts for continuous variation, additive inheritance is key for continuous variation.

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