HMB265H1 Lecture : Notes taken during lecture
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HMB265H1 Full Course Notes
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announcements: solutions manual hard copy not yet available get it in the next couple of weeks, midterm makeup done will soon post instructions to obtain copy of original exam. Started with mendelian genetics, single-gene traits then quantitative traits, mapping qtl. Now molecular aspects of genetics today: mutations. process by which allele changes into another allele. can mutate randomly, at any time, in any cell of organism. germline cell mutations are transmitted to progeny, not somatic mutations. Rate of forward mutation always higher than rate of reverse mutation. Inversion: deleted, twisted around, reinserts = 180 rotation: within same chromosomal location. classified into two different types transition, transversion. Transition purine base changed into another purine; or pyrimidine into other pyrimindine: same chemical category. Transversion purine changes into pyrimidine; vice versa. when one base changes on one strand, complementary change on opposite strand during replication. disrupt gene function so can study wildtype function of gene www. notesolution. com.