HMB321H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Krabbe Disease, Molecular Genetics, Chromatin
Document Summary
*** information from the book is on the nal exam (i. e. please nish that stupid book) Big names in dna sequencing (venter, chan, steffanson, Study of processes regarding the replication, translation of dna into further products. Dna is wrapped around nucleosome => wrapped into further chromatin structures. Noncoding genes have more regulatory roles vs. coding genes (usually proteins or products) Knowing the sequence of gene can allow us to learn the function (genotype => phenotype association), i. e. galc -/- recessive. Effects = less myelin production = lower development of baby. Molecular genetics of viruses + other disease causing agents. Chromosomal aberrations, e. g. trisomy 21 (via nondisjunction or chromosomal translocations) Homogenize tissue => lyse cells => remove proteins/rna/debris ===> isolation ===> puri cation. Primers anneal at a speci c temperature (tm) that are speci c to the length/composition of primer. Extension is often around 2min long (require primers, taq polymerase + template strand of.