HMB321H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: P53, Zebrafish, Stem Cell

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Genomes sequenced (easier to identify genes with mutant phenotypes) Cutting them in half will regenerate a new planarian (2 planarians) Regeneration is not totally impossible in humans (e. g. young children regeneration of. Easy to grow / easy to surgically manipulate / accessible to manipulation. Guest lecture 1: bret pearson (planarians & cancer) Identi ed and characterized the p53 gene in planarians (smed-p53) Egg => embryogenesis => larva (eats to grow and develop) => instar stages (imaginal disks) => pupation => eclosion => adult. Genetics / polytene chromosomes / external development. Polytene chromosomes are long chromosomes can be used to study chromosome behaviour, see deletions or rearrangements visually, can map speci c positions of genes onto chr. External development allows you to track developmental stages, allowing you to perform developmental experiments. Forward = standard mutagenesis (e. g. chemicals such as ems, x-rays, p-element transposon in transgensis, targeted gene kos with induced replacement or rnai)