HMU111H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Tansen, Angklung, Malhar

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Musical transmission: oral and written case studies in modal music. But the music we play or appreciate is learned behaviour. Enculturation gradual absorption of the characteristics & norms of a culture. We learn the sounds, behaviours, concepts, the broader contexts . We learn responses to music: major/minor as happy/sad. Four-tone ensemble (approx. do, re, mi, so) Difference between how we and the balinese respond emotionally: what they play as very sad, we interpret as happy (major, without this cultural knowledge, we are lost. Musical transmission refers to passing on of musical knowledge and skill from person to person or generation to generation. Emphasis on music literacy (ability to identify, interpret, create and communicate using written materials) Dalcroze (1865-1950: came up with eurythmics: learning through movement, methods aimed at developing the child as a musical and social being, use of solf ge, improvisation.

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