IMM250H1 Lecture : Notes taken during lecture
Document Summary
Epithelial cells first to encounter microorganism cells that line mucosal services. 5 different levels of protection beginning with innate barriers these services provide protective substances that protect from microbial infection. If bypassed, cellular and humoral defences are first line of defense. If the innate immune system fails rarely happens adaptive immunity system reacts including the antibodies, cytokines, etc. 7 services where microbes t ry to grain a foothold to infect. Skin, internal organs are lined with epithelial cells that are in contact with external environment (food, air, etc. ) urogenital tract v. expose to environment. 8 in tears, enzymes called lysosomes can break holes in bacteria clear epithelial cells that line eyes tears contain substances that fight microbial infection. Stomach very acidic few microorganisms can withstand the acidity. Commensal flora that live with humans defend against pathogens. Squamous epithelial desquamates losing skin cells bacteria attached to skin cells will get sloughed off along with the skin cells.