IMM250H1 Lecture : Notes taken during lecture
Document Summary
using h iv as example of a pathogenic infection. vaccinate in order to induce antibodies that neutralize infection, prevent infection from becoming established. at then, not considered viral infection, but a bacterial infection. This is not normally dangerous in immunocompetent people. Kaposi"s sarcoma type of cancer seen rarely. 1982 symptoms not restricted to homosexual groups. clear at that time that individuals suffering from this disease had lack of immune function, acquired because this was not inherited. Looking at the history of the disease, aids was seen as infectious start of hiv epidemic. Type 3 because there were already two other viruses known to infect human t cells. 1986 causal agent of aids as a disease is the hiv virus. viruses do not contain all genetic material required for their lifecycle. extra stage: rna reverse transcribed into dna. unique opportunity to interfere with lifecyle of retroviruses.