INI100H1 Lecture : Notes taken during lecture

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annotation will summarize the secondary research and criticize it. primary essay thesis needs to critically engage with essay. Thesis will not summarize essay: not summary of content, but a critique. If need an authority"s support: especially if your point is controversial, provocative, off-centre, etc. If passage is worthy of further analysis: if particularly loaded and want to unpack its implications. If you want to directly disagree with someone"s point of view. how to quote: include source, need introduction, some kind of context, who is speaker/writer, more analytical opener the better, the important point is do not just include without some kind of explanation, context, or analysis. do not assume quotation is not self-explanatory: punctuation used to introduce quotations. do not use any punctuation when using conjunction that: keeping the context in mind and appropriately using the quotation, weave it with own words, variation key. use verbs precisely: long quotations, introduce with full sentence.

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