LIN229H1 Lecture : Notes taken during lecture

82 views3 pages
2 Feb 2011

Document Summary

output of morphology comes with the suffixes, prefixes, all the rules have been applied. Just looking at word itself not enough look at the sentence or phrase to find underlying form of segment. more than one rule usually interacting with each other, know which one applies first and which second. know the rules and the order they are to be applied in. In group c, finally a change schwa in the partitive case of final raising or fronting. Final raising/fronting - the slash means: schwa to i is raising and fronting, e to i is rasising, example o to u is raising and u to o is lowering. e to o is called rounding and backing: want rule to be applicable to final schwa. In group d change in vowel and consonant: should not have a ke, k(schwa) -> ci rule. because already the e and schwa have already been accounted for.

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