LIN100Y1 Lecture Notes - Acoustic Phonetics, Auditory Phonetics, Phonetics

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To learn anatomy and mechanism of speech production. To understand the ipa system as transcription tool. To learn (a part of) the inventory of consonants in world s languages. Sounds used in speech = speech sounds or phones. Articulatory phonetics: physiological mechanism of speech production. Acoustic phonetics: physics of speech sounds, i. e. , sound waves. Orthography one-to-one correspondence between the sound and the symbol. The same sound spelled in more than one way www. notesolution. com. car, kin, lick, monarch, E. g. , ough in tough, though, trough, through, thorough. A standardized system with one-to-one correspondence between the sound and symbol. A set of phonetic symbols recommended by the. Learn the ipa, i. e. , the sounds (or other characteristics of speech) and corresponding symbols. Understand the anatomy involved in the production of speech sounds. Voiced: vocal folds pulled close together and www. notesolution. com open repeatedly (= vibration) regularly due to air passing between the folds.

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