MUS111H1 Lecture : Religion

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Sing to him a new song; strike up with all our art and shout in triumph. (ps. Music & religion: venantius fortunatus (c. 530 609): pange lingua (hymn, hymn: strophic piece of poetry with several verses, set to the same music. all text was sung because speaking was what you did outside of the church in one"s secular life. same 5 components you will hear every time you go to a catholic mass, every week and every century (kyrie, Gloria, credo, sanctus, agnus dei) the music changes, but the text stays the same: josquin desprez: kyrie , missa pange lingua (c. 1510, same as above but an enhancement, j. s. their sound changes as they try to answer the question (become more harsh: trumpet is played off to the side, not christian music but deals with a christian concept.

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