MUS111H1 Lecture : Language

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Exam: describe everything you hear, essay question, 3 choices, touch mostly on things we"ve discussed since the midterm. Aural transmission: advantage, living traditions and techniques are passed on from generation to generation. This is the manner in which most non-western music has been passed down: disadvantage, should those traditions die, and techniques change or evolve without attention to tradition, those traditions are: b. unconsciously changed or mutated to something different (examples of this will be seen shortly) Written transmission: advantages, helps to solve some of the negative characteristics of aural transmission, disadvantages, notation is always challenged by and falls short of actual musical performance practice i. e. arcangelo corelli, sonata in c major, op. Movements 1 & 2 (1700: notation gives us an idea of pitch, meter, rhythm, etc, the detailed score as an accurate transmitter? i. e. claude debussy, gollywog"s cakewalk , children"s.

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