MUS111H1 Lecture Notes - Pome, Brandenburg Concertos, Additive Rhythm And Divisive Rhythm

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12 Oct 2012

Document Summary

Rhythm the organization of events in time the grouping of musical sounds, principally by means of duration and stress. Gregorian chant: one layer of rhythmic activity, no strong accents. Hoquet or hocket a stylistic device characterized by the distribution of the melodic line between 2 voices in such a way that as one sounds, the other is silent. Renaissance: rhythmically only moderately active, longer notes followed by short, rarely have sudden changes in levels of rhythmic activity, rhythmic activity is mostly similar in each part. Recitative: style of text setting that imitates and emphasizes natural inflections, rhythms, and syntax of speech. Became popular in the baroque era: use of motifs (short rhythmic, melodic, harmonic idea or combination of all 3) Romantic: using all rhythmic tools for personal style. An aspect of rhythm, the organization of pulsation: regular patterns of stress through increased dynamics, recurrent patterns or motifs, numeric indications of metre (time signatures, barlines, regular harmonic rhythm.

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