MUS200H1 Lecture Notes - Triple Metre, Sub-Saharan Africa, Joyous Celebration
Document Summary
Tendency to think of africa south of the sahara desert as homogeneous but. Sometimes the people of one village or area may not recognize the music of a. It is often a joyous celebration of life. Example: work music by university of ghana postal workers. Africans often perceive western music to be monorhythmic (and thus. Rhythm rhythmically boring) layering where different rhythms interact. African rhythm is usually highly complex, varied, and dependent on some kind of. Provides timelines : repeated rhythmic patterns that serve to organize. One bell is lower in pitch, the other higher. Metre is the beat that you can count or feel beneath the surface rhythms of a. Metric possibility #1 at the end they are syncopated (= the rhythm falls off the beat) The 12 units are divided into 6 beats (a multiple of triple time) Note how at the beginning of the pattern the rhythm and metre are synchronous;