NEW333H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Kairos, Psychotechnology, Bohr Model

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25 Oct 2012

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Plato said there are two intuitions of realness: power and intelligibility. Power in ancient greece is based on asymmetric dependence. B is moved by c. c must be the most powerful! The cup moves the shadow, the shadow cannot move the cup. This posits that power is unilateral, and moves towards some unmoved mover, a god that dictates all and has static presence to the world. Unilateral power is consistent with plato"s republic, and plato"s worldview. In asymmetric dependence, one uses transitive inference to find root causes and to understand the causes and effects. However, western sciences posits inertia and newton"s laws: for every action there is a reaction. Phenomenologically, we do not want unilateral power, we want reciprocal power: we want the effect the object so that the object affects us. Something with a lot of reciprocal power opens up the chances for many things to happen, for power.

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