PHL100Y1 Lecture Notes - Irony, Socratic Method, Participatory Democracy
Document Summary
Socrates was born 480 bce and died 399 bce; he was an athenian citizen. Greeks decided to try out different modes of civil organization governments. The greeks tried out democracy; any citizen could participate in the assembly; a participatory democracy. Juries were immense and it was considered a city virtue to participate in these civil activities. Knowing how to persuade people and speak eloquently a key to success. Around the second half of the 5th century, athens emerged as the rich and powerful leader of the athenian city states; it influenced the policies of other city states. Crisis in values what really mattered now was wealth, power, success by speaking well in the assembly. There are people who teach you how to speak well to the assembly with fees sophists; had a bad reputation because they are amoral and suspicious. He didn"t charge money and he claimed that he didn"t know anything a philosopher.