PHL100Y1 Lecture : Descartes.docx
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Ren descartes (31 march 1596 11 february 1650) First part of his life spent with mathematical and science. Mathematician of the first order and a great physicist. Wrote the meditation and circulated it to friends and a friend of the priest who was the unofficial post draw for all of europe. He spent 18 hours a day writing letters. If you discovered something he would write and sent a letter (12 letters to everyone over. He carefully had left france by then and moved to holland as they were more tolerant. He was then taken to sweden by the queen who killed him by waking him up too early. Frame of the mediations and where he is going. He wants the audience to take in on his work what he calls meditations. Wants you to take it in and turn it in your mind. Read one and don t meditate, read the next until you get into it.
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