PHL243H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Bayes Estimator, Memetics, Multicellular Organism

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6 Jan 2014

Document Summary

The economic point of view consists in evaluating an action in terms of the value of its consequences utilitarianism. You have to determine which consequences might occur and then think about how likely each event is to occur. Bayesian decision theory = the expected utility u of an opinion is the sum of the values of each possible outcome d weighted by its probability p. All living things have a common ancestor. Phenotypes are selected, but what are inherited are features of genotypes. Phenotype = apparent type, ex. brown eyes, blonde hair. Heritability, which is almost but not quite perfect, so that genetic mutations aren"t constantly happening but change relies on there being genetic mutations. A differential rate of success in survival. This pattern applies equally to learning and to evolution, as well as to cultural transmission and the process of technology. Variation = variety of forms and limited living space. Differential success = some are more viable.

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