PHL243H1 Lecture 6: LEC6- Erotic Sex Feb 10 2010?

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16 Aug 2010
LEC6: Erotic Sex
Feb, 10th 2010
1. Statistics, normality face, value
Normative Normality
! if you wear eye glasses and everyone around you also wears it. although you have
statistical normality, you do not have normative normality
More on Fact and Value
! in statistical norm you have to define the boundaries (ie. what part of the hump
are normal statistically speaking?)
! this process is arbitrary
! if we do the first point, we still have to assign it a value (either positive or
! part of a certain branch of Christianity (nature is sin)
All these positions are fake
! when you evaluate things, you hold different views based on the thing
! Nature 1: whatever is fact
! Nature 2: what would be the case had humans not existed
! Nature 3: nature is God
Nature 3
! the aim of sex is procreation, this gives preference to certain non-existent things
to other non-existent things
! zygote is more important than skin cell because zygote contains the potential to be
a human being while the other cell does not
! use introspection
! left out actual sex
! being aware of others desire and your own desire but doesn't have to do with
actual sex
! its all about flirtation and seduction
! thus Nagle is forced to conclude sex with partner who is familiar to you is a case
of perversion
! exchanges of expressive information is sex
! sex is like linguistic exchange
! but sex is not like language because the domain of language is infinite whereas
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Document Summary

Feb, 10th 2010: statistics, normality face, value. Normative normality if you wear eye glasses and everyone around you also wears it. although you have statistical normality, you do not have normative normality. part of a certain branch of christianity (nature is sin) when you evaluate things, you hold different views based on the thing. nature 2: what would be the case had humans not existed. Nature 3 the aim of sex is procreation, this gives preference to certain non-existent things to other non-existent things. zygote is more important than skin cell because zygote contains the potential to be a human being while the other cell does not. but sex is not like language because the domain of language is infinite whereas www. notesolution. com the domain of sex is restricted by physical contact. solomon is able to define sex coherently because he made sex into language which is easy to define.

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