PHL285H1 Lecture : Lecture Note Mar 4
PHL285: How to Read Images on Screen
real author: individual responsible for words on page
construct author: dont have to know author, merely from reading the text (multiple author texts)
narrator/narrative discourse: the person presentating/describing the story (omniscent character, little or
a lot of personality)
story event as narrated: order in which events are presented
“the story”: sequence of events in order, the overall plot from start to end
contextualism: meaning of x is derived from its context
Italian Neorealism
- assumption 1: one directly in touch with screen/frame life-liike, ghost with camera, naieve reading of
role of spectator as invisible and ignored
- constructed audience: the intended audience; individuals work was made for
- real audience: the actual audience
S Claim:
- movies do not have narrator, almost always voice overs are the exception
- no narrator explains why movies have real prescence – caused by lack of mediator; straight up
unfiltered story
- King: we do not actually have direct access to the information
- weak contextualism: event occurs, of which its significance is only revealed later
- strong contextualism: not possible to read off sequence of events; they must be placed in a context; no
absolute, stand alone meaning in film events don't have a meaning that is totally plain based on their
presentation - understanding only complete within its full context furthermore there is no plain
meaning to get instance of understanding flips, which can happen at any time; all isolated scenes
cannot have directly know meaning without context
- dont know how to read screen, we usually just get lucky and so we do not normlly need to question
- realism: set of assumptions brought to what one sees
Document Summary
The story : sequence of events in order, the overall plot from start to end contextualism: meaning of x is derived from its context. Assumption 1: one directly in touch with screen/frame life-liike, ghost with camera, naieve reading of role of spectator as invisible and ignored. Constructed audience: the intended audience; individuals work was made for. Movies do not have narrator, almost always voice overs are the exception. No narrator explains why movies have real prescence caused by lack of mediator; straight up unfiltered story. King: we do not actually have direct access to the information. Weak contextualism: event occurs, of which its significance is only revealed later. Dont know how to read screen, we usually just get lucky and so we do not normlly need to question authenticity/meaning.