PHY100H1 Lecture : Lecture 1 & 2
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PHY100H1 Full Course Notes
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Topics of course: classical mechanism, chaos, thermodynamics, complex systems. Science progresses by observing a phenomenon in nature and developing a model or theory to explain the phenomenon. The model on theory is then tested in a carefully controlled experiment. A carefully controlled experiment refers to an arrangement in which all of the factors influencing the systems of interest are quantified. If the measurements agree with the prediction of the theory then the theory is a good approximation for explaining the phenomenon. If the experiments do not agree with the model, then the model needs to be revised. The following quantities help us quantify the movement of objects. The standard unit of length, time, and mass are the metre (m), second (s) and kilogram (k). The fastness and slowness of an object is delivered by the speed. speed = change in position change in time www. notesolution. com.