POL101Y1 Lecture Notes - Third Taiwan Strait Crisis, Neoliberalism, Complex Interdependence
Document Summary
Democratic peace theory: democracies don"t fight one another. Theory has a pretty good track record (generally speaking) Democracies are often allies, shared ideological affiminities, tend to be slow (long decision making time) Not very good at theory: did not predict end of the cold war. General characteristic of ir is uncertainty: live in an age of extraordinary uncertainty, yet on the other hand as a dicispline we try to predict why and how countries behave in the ways in which they do. Taiwan: tiny island on south-east coast of china lots of missiles pointed against taiwan, no one knows how many, 800- 14th largest trading company in the world. One of the richest areas in asia. During cold war republic not recognized internationally. 1970s: china begins to rise and normalize relationships with the west. Instead recognized taiwan, republic of china, government in exile (us)