POL101Y1 Lecture : Oct 12 Lecture Notes
Document Summary
Over 50% of americans argue that gay sex is wrong- morally disapprove , not the same as rights questions. Steady expansion of states in the us that recognize ss relationships since 1989- about 19 states and pattern is continuing below marriage. Moral traditionalists are retreating to marriage as the line but will relinquish everything else: state level marriage doesn"t affect anything under federal jurisdiction. You can be married in one state but not be eligible for spousal benefits since that is under federal jurisdiction: in other countries same sex marriage became a national regime however not so in us, federal level: Difficult to get approval for significant changes in federal law that level prohibited discrimination against lgbt or same sex marriage. Don"t ask don"t tell has been repealed in 2011: for some observers this was a surprise. Florida and arkansas have eliminated bans on same sex parenting. Shifts in law starting in the us earlier than any european country.