POL101Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Francis Fukuyama, Liberal Democracy, Primitive Communism

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22 Sep 2018

Document Summary

In 1992 francis fukuyama, (cid:449)rote a (cid:271)ook (cid:272)alled, (cid:862)e(cid:374)d of history(cid:863) Literacy rates and education: conditions that will make democracy successful is literacy and education. If not part of na/ eu forgets about democracy: reliable institutions, democracy works through rule and not b/c of connection, works in a way so you stand in line/ follow the law. If no tolerance, then it leads to issues like violence. In 2000, gorge bush and al gore were running each other. However, in in florida the ballots were spoiled and had to be hand counted- but the supreme court asked them to stop counting making bush the president. It is important to not drag out peoples" faith i(cid:374) the syste(cid:373). People must believe that the outcome is legit even if it is not the outcome you expected. In recent years the charlottesville protested demonstrated the culture of tolerance was denigrated.

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