POL101Y1 Lecture Notes - Sam Huntington, Beijing Consensus, Washington Consensus
Document Summary
Aim of pol 101 is to provide best argument for one"s point of view (pov) Who is unable to live in society, or has no need must be either beast/god. Hegel: german philosopher history understandable, structured, has beginning middle end fukuyama: believed fall of berlin wall end of history. History of human consciousness history of philosophy: human history (human capacity of understanding the world) not kings, queens, presidents, pms, celebrities: they steal ideas, big ideas see war, seeing people dying but really happening is clash of ideas. Individual, economy, nel practice material manifestation really is ideas that inform practices. End of history: no more big ideas, reached ultimate idea. Hegel slightly correct: not 1806 but 1989 history comes to end. Challenger to liberal democracy defeated in realm of ideas (fascism + communism) real. World is becoming more peaceful, people more democratic. Communism exits but outside of cuba, north korea nobody willing to die/betray for it powerless idea.