POL101Y1 Lecture : POL103 LEC 3
Document Summary
marx: believes that morality, ideas, law, culture, ways that we think construct the. Its not who controls them, it"s the relationships involved superstructure. being creates consciousness, consciousness does not create being. you must also believe: be a hegelian; believed that were stages in history, history unfolds. Its not that marx hated capitalism, he just felt it was unjust. stages of history has these two things going on: means of production, and mode of production. marx saw that as a general commission of all societies, there was always exclusion. you work really hard, but your alienated from it. Work shouldn"t be horrible or a really bad experience because someone else is expropriating things from you. exploitation is the economic counterpart to alienation. You can actually calculate the portion of someone"s labor that is made alien to them and you can do that much easier in a capitalistic society with dollars and cents.