POL101Y1 Lecture : POL103 LEC 6
56 views2 pages
13 Dec 2010
Document Summary
In a presidential system, one of its most distinctive features is the fusion between head of state and head of government president. The idea here is that the head of government is also the head of state because it is more democratic that way, so goes the argument. Because if you"re going to elect the most powerful person in the country then why should that person not only embody the head of all the beuartocartic body. By fusing those two ideas, you democratize it because the head of those beaurocratic and mere policy making functions is the function of government. In this system, the one we elect to make and execute those policies is one in the same person as the head of state. Head of state- think of representing us abroad, state dinners, standing in for all citizens, not just those who elected, integrative functions that we don"t necessarily need or want the head of government to perform.
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