POL101Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Global Governance, Complex Interdependence, Global Health

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14 Jan 2015

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Anarchic international system realism relatively power, ex. If one country is powerful how do we know they won"t destroy us. The game of international politics is the zero sum game one states gain is another states loss ) (states are primarily concerned with. League of nations and collective security collective security, all states would agree that aggressive actions by other states is illegal. All states should agree, that if one state behaves aggressively on another state, all states will gather together to punish that state. ) (emerges in ww1, the core was that. Neoliberal institutionalism (it is also another theory of international relations, it accepts the notion that there is no state power. It assumes the system is anarchic, they have more positive view, is rooted in reality in complex inter-dependence, in the globalized world, states are inter-dependent on one another. Rules and norms (states by co-operating, states can create rules, that apply to norms,

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