POL101Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: 3-Phosphoglyceric Acid, Organic Farming, Debt Relief

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14 Jan 2015

Document Summary

I the challenge of catalytic leadership for long-term change. Main thesis: the response to climate change demands effective and creative leadership to implement a comprehensive global climate treaty. The copenhagen accord ( a 3pg. political document) agrees to a goal of limiting warming to 2 0c above pre-industrial level and establishes a bottom-up process for industrialized countries to set their own emission reduction target. Developing countries must list proposed emission reduction activities. Three important lessons can be drawn for moving forward: do not underestimate the importance of legitimacy in multilateral climate negotiation. Forums range from the major economies forum to g8/g20 summits conclude that ultimately agreement requires the legitimacy of the wider un process. But that the g8/g20 meetings and other key forums are best viewed as opportunities to forge leadership coalitions: do not let the politics of multilateral climate negotiations undermine progress elsewhere.

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